Celia Perrin Sidarous (1982) est une artiste de l’image qui vit et travaille à Montréal. Ses œuvres ont fait l’objet de nombreuses expositions individuelles et collectives notamment au Musée McCord et au Centre CLARK (Montréal), à la Galerie Prince Takamado de l’Ambassade du Canada (Tokyo), au Norsk Billedhoggerforening (Oslo), au CONTACT Photography Festival (Toronto) et au FOCUS Photography Festival (Mumbai), à 8-11 (Toronto), Arsenal Contemporary (New York), Esker Foundation (Calgary), Dunlop Art Gallery (Regina), Banff Centre (Banff), WWTWO (Montréal), VU (Québec) et Gallery 44 (Toronto). Son travail a fait partie de la Biennale de Montréal 2016 – Le Grand Balcon, au Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal. En 2019, elle est nominée au Prix Sobey pour les arts. Elle est lauréate du Prix Pierre-Ayot 2017 ainsi que de la bourse Barbara Spohr Memorial Award 2011. Ses œuvres figurent au sein de collections publiques et privées, dont celles de la AGO – Art Gallery of Ontario et du Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal.
Celia Perrin Sidarous (1982) is an image-based artist living and working in Montréal. Her works have been featured in numerous solo and collective exhibitions in Canada and abroad : McCord Museum and Centre CLARK (Montréal), Embassy of Canada Prince Takamado Gallery (Tokyo), Norsk Billedhoggerforening (Oslo), CONTACT Photography Festival (Toronto) and FOCUS Photography Festival (Mumbai), 8-11 (Toronto), Arsenal Contemporary (New York), Esker Foundation (Calgary), Dunlop Art Gallery (Regina), Banff Centre (Banff), WWTWO (Montréal), VU (Québec) and Gallery 44 (Toronto). Her work was included in the Biennale de Montréal 2016 – Le Grand Balcon / The Grand Balcony, at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal. She was longlisted for the Sobey Art Award in 2019, and is the recipient of the Prix Pierre-Ayot 2017, as well as the Barbara Spohr Memorial Award 2011. Her works are present in public and private collections, most notably at the AGO — Art Gallery of Ontario and the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal.